If I were a boy, not much would be indifference. I will still be a good person to others and the way I treat other people would still be the same. My self confidence would be the same. I am exactly the same person except with different genders. I guess if I were a boy, I would take the chance to be rough, play rough and do and go wherever i want without being judged or be disturbed. It has always been a dream of mine to go alone bareback backpacking in the whole world, but as a girl, there are limitation on places that I could go because I'm afraid of my security. There are places in the world that subjectivity girls as a mere object, tools and have no utter respect to. Even though there are beautiful places in the world, the people there make me scared to go to these places. If I were a boy, nobody would care to disturb me.
If I were a boy, I would actually try to make a change in the world. As a girl, my voice is limited by stereotypes. Society thinks that girls are too sensitive and boy's voice is more heard. I wouldn't waste the power to be heard, to set rules and to make people listen to you. I would use it to change the world. A phrase that I always kept in my heart is "If you wanna change the world, start by changing yourself.
If I were a boy, I would own many suits It makes you look shard, masculine and increase your self confidence. I would wear them every day if I could. Suits just doesn't look as good as on a girl. It is built to perfection in a man's body. The suit has been just a perfect clothing for a man. With a vest tucked inside and a perfect tie, I feel you can change the world in a suit.
If I really had a chance to turn into a boy, I wouldn't be. Because I appreciate my body just the way it is. The imperfection of being a person is what makes us truly human and I'm proud of that.