Purchasing |
A business or organization attempting to acquire goods or services to accomplish the goals of its enterprise. |
Most organizations use a three-way check as the foundation of their purchasing programs. |
Approval |
Formal permission. |
They are referring specifically to budgetary approval. |
Submit |
To start or urge with deference, suggest or propose. |
They kept the brooch for a year and a half, hoping someone would submit a claim. |
Previous |
Existing or occurring before in time or order. |
She looked tired after her exertions of the previous evening. |
Distribute |
To disperse through a space or over an area, spread, scatter. |
We have no plans to further distribute this particular program. |
Adjournment |
An act or period of adjourning or being adjourned to (to end something for a period of time). |
The chairperson has adjourned the meeting. |
Agenda |
A list or outline of things to be considered or done. |
The committee sets the agenda for the several years of research. |
National |
Or or relating to a nation; common to or characteristic of a whole nation. |
His test score was higher than the national average. |
Regular |
Happening over and over again at the same time or in the same way; occurring everyday, week, months, etc. |
We made regular use of the swimming pool. |
Unanimously |
Having the agreement and consent of all. |
The judges made a unanimous decision. |
Minutes |
A period of time equal to sixty seconds or a sixtieth of an hour. |
We waited for twenty minutes. |
Project |
A proposed or planned undertaking. |
The novel undermines its own stated project of telling a story. |
Order |
A state in which everything is in its correct or appropriate place. |
She tried to put her shattered thoughts into some semblance of order. |
Upgrading |
Raise (something) to a higher standard, in particular improve (equipment or machinery) by adding or replacing components. |
The cost of upgrading each workstation is around RM 500. |